"Untitled 41" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $250

"Untitled 124" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $200

"Untitled 193" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $100

"Untitled 194" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $80

"Untitled 37" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $250

"Untitled 132" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $250

"Untitled 164" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $300

"Untitled 182" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $500

"Poster 4" signed digital print (36"x53") $250

"Poster 1" signed digital print (23"x34") $100



email for purchase inquiries


Montyill is a hardcore artist and 2-time felon from the hills of Northern Missouri. His work is like Frazetta and John Waters had a baby and it was raised by a Catholic priest (wink wink).
He has done shows across the US and has been invited to shows in Europe and Asia but never does them because they are, "...really far away."
His turn-ons include, drugs, music, drugs, sex, drugs, dogs, art, hardcore, bloody revolts, and drugs.
Turn offs are jail, the government, anything with the word "occupy" in it, religious bullshit and passed out fat people who fart on his couch while he's trying to write his bio.
"...really interesting, reminds me a bit of the etchings of Gustave Doré, the 19th century artist who illustrated the Divine Comedy, The Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, and other light reading." Over & Out." - Winston Smith


"Untitled 739" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $200

"Bit Reactors 18" pencil and marker on paper (14"x22") $125